Thorns Hurt Us, Yet They Serve a Glorious Purpose

years ago, I heard that "Heaven's answer to a thorn-cursed creation was a thorn-crowned Savior." Could it be that each of us get a "custom-designed" thorn (or more than one) in our lives? Those things could resemble anything from illnesses to disabilities or economic struggles. I have no idea. 

Here's how Paul describes his thorn: "...lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet [strike with the fist, hence: mistreat violently] me...”  In effect, this is a form of torment, discomfort and pain. This stuff in any form will slow a person down, or even cause him or her to want to stop and even give in.

The Hebrew word Satan means “one who turns people astray.” This understanding is based on the etymological root of Satansat, which means to turn aside. Accordingly, the role of the Satan  is to lure people to act out of spiritual character, or in a “fool”- ish manner, because “a person does not commit a sin unless they are overcome by foolishness.”

Paul said, “Concerning this thing [thorn] I pleaded with ADONAI three times that it might depart from me. He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, most gladly will I boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake, for when I am weak, then I am strong." -- 2 Cor 12:7-10

How do you see your situation(s). Do you consider them messengers of Satan or opportunities from ADONAI?  Do you view GOD's handiwork as mean, contrite or evil? How about taking every selfless opening to find ways to be thankful--and grow upward, instead of downward?

The word "buffet" means: to render blow, after blow, after blow. How about these? Pound, strike, bang or knock. Does any of those describe your life at the moment? If Paul's experience is anything to go by, the sold-out and trustworthy believer's life is a series of blessings and buffetings.

Something to remember... The GOD Who promises the first, permits the second.

Why do you think so? I offer this thought...  He wants us to make sure we live our lives dependent on Him. Look what He used to make sure Paul relied totally on Him: Infirmities, Reproaches, Necessities, Persecutions, Shipwrecks and Distresses.

We have not even mentioned the Messiah's sufferings.  What about the rest of the martyrs? Where do you find strength to handle such a directory of complaints? The answer? ...from GOD and GOD alone!

When you hear people say that they "want to be more fruitful in the service of the LORD," What do you supposed that really means to them? How will they become more focused on Him, if they are not buffeted?  

Yes, indeed. The “thorny” situations in life can and should drive us closer to ADONAI!


How Do We Become Who We Are Supposed to Be?


Who Supports and Advises You?