About Bridges

Bridges is for the person experiencing a subtle or noticeable distancing from personal or spiritual relationships and environments.

We help the individual to regain their “footing” by helping him/her to remove themselves from that hurt by, “walking over the bridge (separating themselves from that hurt) and finding hope on the “other side.” When wholeness and hope have been realized and restored, a Bridges rep will walk back over the bridge with that person to seek “restoration.” if that is not possible (received), the Bridges environment will receive them again and help him/her to find an emotionally safer place to worship or connect with.

We work with individuals, agencies and local places of worship.

Our aim is to assist people with overcoming hurt and supporting them with a healthy return to the community.

We function as a “Bridge to the Community”, by helping to restore the damage that causes emotional hurt and spiritual isolation.

During each meeting, participants freely discuss personal challenges such as divorce, church-related pain, emotional stress, abuse, and unplanned pregnancy.

Our model promotes unconditional support and the usage of situational Biblical exploration. We encourage growth and understanding of what GOD’s Word ways about their situation—without criticism or condemnation.

"Bridges" actively engages in the Isaiah 61 mission. This is done with fun, love and collaboratively strolling along in Bible-based discussions to apply these principles effectively. The knowledge and understanding of GOD’s Mercy, Grace, Kindness and Love allows for genuine relationships and fosters hope.

We help to expose an unclogged view to help make clearer pathways to regain strength and return to their communities, workplaces, or churches with renewed purpose and support.

What We Do

You and I know people are troubled in many ways. We recognize that these hurts, griefs and difficulties are not only physical, but spiritual and emotional as well.

According to the Words of Jesus in Matthew 11, these are the types of people that Jesus has come to set free (liberate):

  • …the spiritually blind [faithless, hopeless, lack understanding and lack trust]

  • …the spiritually lame [unable to walk or very painful to try]

  • …those who are treated as if they have leprosy [shunned, treated unworthily, kicked out, condemned or ignored]

  • …the spiritually deaf [refuse or unable to hear, because of the pain caused in life and from people]

  • …the spiritually dead [lifeless, darkness and grief stricken]

  • …the poor [humbled by circumstance, unworthy feeling and because of internal/external influence]


Bryon Fricker, Administrative Consultant
Roxanne Fricker, Financial Officer
Owners, Gotta Have Ice Refrigeration, Moore, OK

Trollen Schnebly, Excutive Board Chairman
Susan Schnebly, Assistant Treasurer
Owners, Bits & Bobs Automotive, Jones, OK

James Foster, President
Orfa Foster, Vice-President

The Servant Leader Board