Men’s Spiritual Growth

ManDate Weekend Meetings

“Mandate” is defined as a word or figure of speech in which one meaning is usually shocking. Our approach is shocking. We make a plan and then we trust the LORD for the changes He wants to make along the way.

The 3-day ManDate environment is loosely described as:

Men being in one place learning, worshiping, building communication forum and outlets and functioning as the leaders to honor the LORD as close to “one” as possible.

Men doing “what men do”, yet without fear of criticism of how it is done.

We use many ways to “get an understanding” of what the LORD GOD wants for us. ManDate helps us all to understand how to be champions in the Spirit... Many topical crosstalk discussions are used to accomplish this. During the entire weekend we use "situational" videos to create a more engaging sensory experience than listening alone. We all learn in similar ways, but some men have a deeper experience, when they get to see and hear the concept being shared (taught). We occasionally use speakers, but the fella sharing is from the group of men in attendance. We have found that the LORD’s spirit can use any person who chooses to yield to Him and say what He wants him to share to that particular group, on that particular weekend for that particular day. The topics are very intentional, and each leader/speaker/facilitator is strongly encouraged to seek and hear the Spirit of the LORD, so the men are edified and strengthened and the Mighty GOD is pleased. All else takes its own shape. Many men have invested and poured into the ManDate weekend. He who has been to one will likely say, “it is not about anything more than the men who are there and the GOD Who restores.”

Mentally and emotionally involved men are able to receive and give, when they process their own everyday interactions and experiences.

During the ManDate weekend, we are ALL placed in multiple scenarios and given topics to discuss at the "roundtable." With the help of the Holy Spirit and guidance of the table leader, every man can come through those segments a bit stronger and more aware of the importance of our engagement in another brother's life. Those truths are often carried home and in time, translates to their everyday lives.

We men are very capable of "tapping into" our emotional side by working to place ourselves into our brother's situation, or dare I say.... into his moccasins. Sometimes believers want to make every gathering of the LORD a production and not allow the simplicity of the meeting to invite the LORD in to do what He wills. The hope is that we men are alive to make Him known through our lives. ManDate does not pay its speakers, or anyone. It is a non-profit and every ounce of currency is spent on covering the expenses of the weekend (food and meeting room). Should there be anything remaining, that full amount goes to a local Fund for the Widows and the Poor.

"We are encouraged to consider your calling, brothers that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but GOD has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and GOD has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong. Our Creator chose the insignificant things of the world and the despised. He has also chosen the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, so that no human may boast before Him. It is because of Him that you are in Yeshua the Messiah, Who became to us Wisdom from GOD, and Righteousness and Sanctification, and Redemption that, as it is written, ‘He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.’” --1 Cor 1:23-30

In the struggle of Biblical obedience, the ManDate environment strives to make each moment about the LORD and leave the focus on Him. Through committed and submitted men is a way that our King receives the glory that is already His.

Yeshua said, “Blessed is he who does not take offense at Me.”

Experiencing "the encounter" with the Spirit of Truth is often elusive. It becomes an even tougher task, when men want to be served and honored as if they are the ones who grant life, answers, growth and hope. This mindset is usually what opens the door to the fall of that man. He grows a "god" complex, sin moves in, and the history of Satan repeats itself.

There is much MORE that goes with serving the King of kings and men. There is “nothing to see", but there is much to gain for the man who is seeking the face of the GOD of Jacob.

Growth and maturity are not easily achieved. Intentional work is required.

That is just a little bit about the ManDate weekend.

You must experience it yourself to understand.