Who Supports and Advises You?

You may be really good at what you do. You may even be better than most. Keep this in mind... Without the help of others, you will never be as good as you could be. It’s impossible! That is for sure. I am a prime example. My wife makes me better than I would be alone. No doubt. You will never reach your highest potential without a good brother, or wife, to help.

Does she advise me? Sure. Does she give me wise counsel and good advice? All of the time! I seek her input on many things. We both go to the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob together on most decisions. If the decision is a difficult one, JOINT prayer is a REQUIREMENT!

The same goes for her. She comes to me. It is mandatory of me to encourage her to seek the ADONAI.

Here is another question: Why would a really good sports player need a coach? …especially a coach who is not as good as he or she is. A good answer would be... Sports always requires subtle adjustments that are crucial to winning. A good coach is the best at assisting the player with making those "intelligent corrections". I find that the older I get, the more valuable a virtuous wife, noble friend and wonderful GOD are always what I need. Why is that? Age and experience don’t necessarily make you better; often they assist us with deepening the rut a person is in.

In life, as in sports, you never reach the point where you don’t need good input. Yet, many of us operate under the misguided assumption that because we lead, we don’t need to be led. Contraire mon frere (..on the contrary, my brother). That’s one of the many issues we as people--especially GOD followers have. Knowledge-based arrogance, stemming from the struggle of self-worth, is a killer.

We make the mistake of measuring ourselves against others instead of our own GOD-given potential. In the end, we never become what we could have been. Why do we care? Self-evaluation is important, but the evaluation of others is crucial. How my wife sees me is important. How my children feel about my fathering skills is vital.  What a faithful brother notices about me and what is at work in my character are great points of reference to build on.  

Who is my Helper? Almighty GOD's Spirit! What He sees and knows is ALL that matters now and in the end. All of the previous people have their say, but the measuring stick is and always will be the Truth of my LORD’s Word and His Character (name). They are my Counselors and Guides. They are what GOD uses to measure me.

Actually, we are ALL measured by the same Standards. The Messiah is the ONLY Man the Father will use to see how we size up.  A good coach measures your performance against your own strengths, not somebody else’s. That’s because he or she knows (or has an idea) what you’re capable of, and they will push you to your limit.

Good coaches are constantly on the scene observing, not back at the office. The coach is personally invested in your success. A win for you is a win for him or her.

Who advises you? Who helps me? It is the Spirit, the LORD, the Word and my wife. I also have a couple of men I spend valuable time with.

Sadly, I have not always had men walking closely with me.  Some have hit, but most have missed. I have prayed for more to be used to impact me for my growth and accountability, but not many takers. My wife and I have asked GOD if we are supposed to have people to help us and feed into our lives. We have asked GOD to give us close friends who would pour into us on a consistent basis.

We are also aware that not all people are good for all people.  GOD knows what you want and need. Be faithful to Him. He has someone waiting for you.  Don't chase anyone down. He will bring that person to you.

REMINDER: Listening to good [Biblical] advice, will make us stronger, more faithful and spiritually capable. However, listing to GOD’s Spirit will make us WISE.


Thorns Hurt Us, Yet They Serve a Glorious Purpose


Reasons (excuses) for Not Trusting GOD