How Do We Become Who We Are Supposed to Be?

We have played the fool so long. We thought that we were so strong, all the while we knew it was not true. Have you played and played the same tired movie of the memories of different times, when all you ever lived for was GOD?

"I have made the following request of my GOD so often, it sometimes does not seem like it is a valid request -- only ritualistic... "ADONAI (LORD GOD), make me the man that You want me to be."

Is that your request too? It has been my heart's cry? What does your heart cry out? I've been listening for His voice most of my life. His Words are speaking all the time.

It goes without saying, but I will say it anyhow. I have heard lies and the truth. People will frequently tell you things that only benefit them. I have used the same methods.  

Sometimes I struggle with the choice I must make. Nothing can replace a Word from the Father of Wisdom. After all these years, the request is still the same, “...make me the man that You want me to be.”

Being a child is supposed to last but for so long.  We all must move on. Those days are gone.

Nothing can replace the years of our youth. …that is the natural youth and the spiritual youth. Both were meant to prepare us for whom we were created to be. We have swallowed lies that tasted true.  There are the plans we thought were all sent from the LORD and we run as fast as we can to make them become real. When all He wanted was for us was to be still and wait on His timing and will.

Holy Spirit, make us the men the Father want us to be. LORD, make us the men You want to see.

Make us the men you want us to be.


Is Not Guilty the Verdict?


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