The Almighty GOD is Certainly Alive!

I can actually understand why society would think that GOD does not exist, or, that the Messiah was a cruel joke. It appears that His followers have lost all sense of direction and/or hope in His Salvation (Yeshua – Deliverer, Rescuer or YHVH saves).  

In time's past and now, people were to look upon the Hebrews (ones who have crossed over) as being ‘set apart ones’ and living a lifestyle UNLIKE the neighboring Nations. They failed to follow the Ways of the Master, His Precepts, Word, Law, Commands, Statutes, Torah, Judgments and Testimonies. Conversely, they decided to create their own idols, choose kings other than He, and take on the holy days, sacrificial styles and practices of the people He sent them to unseat from the land – the Promised Land. This land is that which was set aside for His glorious Kingdom. Some call it Palestine. What did His chosen ones do instead? They assimilated and weaved themselves into the unholy society and its belief structures. Who said the people who lived in that land prior to the Israelites were an unholy society?

The Creator of all mankind did. I get it! I think… 

If I was a person in the land they were in, I would probably struggle with following or caring about this invisible GOD. …ESPECIALLY, if I could not tell by watching His followers that He was real, or, even if they truly believed He was Whom He said He was.

Their lifestyles certainly did not indicate that they loved Him enough to obey what He declared unto them. Look at the state of Israel now.

What about today? Look at the rest of the world now. What about today's believers? We who are “the ones who have crossed over from death to life. Us… You... The above depiction of Israel, the Hebrews sounds like many of us, does it not?  

What makes us better or different than the chosen people of Almighty GOD?

The people we live amongst today can't tell if we are truly His or not, because, we have assimilated into the culture He Commanded us to stay away from. I must wonder if we love Him enough to obey what He told us and still tells us.

Look at us now. If you are a follower of El Elyon, the Most High GOD, survey your life and the pattern in which you are living it.  Survey your own hearts and judge them yourselves, before He comes to do it for you.

Yeshua (Jesus) is worth the separation it will cost us all, to become like Him.

If we lined up, we would find that many of those people who watch us, will eventually be in line right behind us, for the journey toward the King of kings and His Kingdom—alongside eventual restored Israel.

We must do better to shine those lights!


How Do We Obey GOD, Like Jesus Did?


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