Adultery Is Not Just an Act of Men

Adultery is considered wrong in any culture.  Whether it’s another religion, a Cultural Christian orientation, or the pagan arts, adultery is considered wrong. Societies do exist that allows for polygamy -- a man having more than one wife. However, it is often very clear that anyone who engages in sexual (emotional or physical) relations with someone not their spouse is morally wrong.

Yet, shockingly, my Savior tells us that it’s not just the physical act of adultery, but even having LUST in your heart for a person outside the marriage is also wrong. He calls it adultery, for GOD judges our faithfulness by our thoughts and our motives, as well as our actions.

We all need to understand what lust is and what it’s not.

It is not appreciating the beauty or attractiveness of another person. Nothing in all God’s creation is more striking than the person He created from the rib of the fist Adam.  He certainly saw her as the being for him.  However, fella, both you and ADONAI know when you have moved from the appreciation of the external magnificence, to engaging in immoral thoughts. I know that distinction. Clearly, I have failed my LORD with that! 

Don’t kid yourself! Sexual fantasies are not “just appreciating splendor.”

Remember, there is no hiding from GOD. He knows all!

Get this! We are born with a natural desire for lustful thoughts. It is certainly a man’s daily battle. I know it is mine. It takes WORK to be clean. 

Let none of us be naive though, women struggle in camouflage as well. Just realize it is a daily battle of the mind, heart and hormones. It only helps us to stay away from what always defeats us – porn, unwholesome romance novels, desires in our lonely days, erotic pictures of attractive men and women. Lust will always result when we feast our eyes and minds there.

Men, when you feel the urge to indulge yourself in lusting for another woman, ask GOD to help you and then DO your part(s).   

Women, when you feel the urge to indulge yourself in lusting for another man, romance novels, etc., ask GOD to help you and then DO your part(s).   

Focus on following your Helper (of Truth) faithfully. Quickly confess and say, “Oh LORD, I’m doing it again. Help me.” The more we practice resisting and focusing on something else or RUNNING AWAY (not easy, but simple) the less we tend to give-in to the temptation of lust. It helps us feel and be  victorious and our single lives and marriages will be happier!

Most of all, our Holy LORD would be pleased. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ but I say to you, that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." -- Matt 5:27-28


The Almighty GOD is Certainly Alive!


What Was I Thinking?