How Do We Obey GOD, Like Jesus Did?

As trusters of the Most High (Elyon) ELOHIM, we believe that the entire community in Israel was well versed in the lowest form of spiritual instruction during the days of Yeshua’s (Jesus) time on earth. least, when it was time for Him to be made know.

Therefore, the Messiah didn't come teaching the basics of GOD's Word (the Torah). Instead, He came teaching a higher form of the Torah that was being espoused at that time, thus filling it full of meaning “fulfilling” It. This is the meaning of Jesus' statements when He addressed the validity of the Law and the other Scriptures. “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. Truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter [a jot] or stroke [a tittle] shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least of these Commandments, and so teaches others to do so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches Them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

We should remember, the only Word to follow of that day was the TANAKH (Genesis through Malachi). Nothing else was considered worthy to be shared. Everything the LORD spoke about referred to these books. "The Law and the Prophets". Yeshua clearly stated that He was teaching the Law (Torah) to bring it to fullness; but, as you know, many churchmen and unsound doctrines have considered His coming and teaching was to abolish the Law. Where did that notion come from if not from man’s desire to sway another?

They have drawn this erroneous conclusion that Jesus “came to do away with the Law” because, they themselves don’t fully understand what the Torah is, how it is structured or that to be “an obedient Son, He must continue in the Way His Father Instructed Him.  I, myself am learning more and more about the foundation of the Word that changed my life and many others.

We must also understand this! There were no books of John, Mark, Matthew, or Luke. These were to be written many years AFTER the Lord's death. These men (including our Messiah and LORD, Yeshua/Jesus, were all followers of Torah/Law. SO WAS PAUL! He was a Pharisee.

Jesus did not follow Paul. Paul, the Pharisee followed the Torah and after the encounter with the LORD on the way to Damascus, His eyes were opened, and correction and clarity was heeded.  

What many folks don't understand today is the Word IS the Law, the Prophets, the Writings and the Brit Chadasha (renewed covenant). The covenant would be “new” if it was not previously in existence. Since we know that covenant was already in place with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (and sons), the Messiah helped them to renew their commitment to their Creator.

There is nothing like having the Teacher, Creator and Redeemer to show someone how to do something properly. ...the way it was intended. 

What was being taught at that time was more of the "chametz (leaven of, sin, misunderstanding and lies) of the Pharisees", rather than the Word of Almighty GOD. It was so bad that most of the spiritual leaders did not recognize the One Whom they said they were looking for. 

When the Messiah removed the scales from Paul's eyes, he was then able to see the error of his Pharisaical ways and get back to teaching and spreading Torah (with love and compassion). his Savior did. Unfortunately, many of the Sanhedrin experienced no such transformation.

Teaching to the deepest level is more than a lofty goal. It turns out that the Torah really does have levels to it. While most of us Christians look at Scripture as English literature, we often totally miss the deeper levels of GOD’s Word.

·         The first level is the P’shat, which is the “plain sense of the text.”


·         The second level is the Drash, which is the “principled level that leads to the homiletic, sermonizing, and what Hebrews refer to as the midrash.” When you consciously study the Scriptures, you are at the Drash level.


·         The third level is the Remez, which is the “esoteric, hidden, or hint” level. This deals with hidden patterns, messages, and themes. The most dominant of these themes and messages is about the Messiah.


·         The fourth level is the Sod (pronounced sode), which is the mysterious level. The “jots and tittles” Yeshua referred to are part of that level. 


ADONAI (LORD GOD) said, “He came to fill-up the Law with meaning [make complete, give an accurate example of] the Guidance/Law/Instructions (Torah), teaching all of the levels of the Torah “until all is accomplished.”

If the LORD was obedient unto death. …and He was. If the LORD was sinless. …and He was. If the LORD was the Way, Truth and Life. …and He still is, He would not undo what (He) His Father has already established. That would place Him in stark rebellion against the Father of creation. Would it not? That would make Him a useless Savior and Redeemer.

I simply don’t see that taking place. His Father was "well pleased with His Son." …not angry with Him.

Knowing and understanding the truth of the Father’s Word will enable us all to experience the liberty we desire and the freedom He wants for the “just who live by (emunah) faith.”


The Almighty GOD is Certainly Alive!