“What is the Big Deal About Marriage?”

It may surprise the casual reader that the word adam is a non-aligned term meaning “human being,” not specifically a man. In the original Hebrew text, all references to Adam are neutral until GOD takes a rib of Adam’s and makes a woman: ishah, in Hebrew.

It is ONLY AT THAT POINT that is Adam called ish, a man.

Interestingly, Adam is never called an ish until the ishah has been separated from him. It is as if the text is implying that male and female cannot define themselves fully as human without the other.

We may not realize that this logic is part of the next verse that says that for this reason, when a man and woman join together [marry], they become “one.” They are returning to GOD’s first design before the ish and ishah were separated. The complementarity between man and woman is inherent in the way they were taken apart from each other, as the first ishah provides what the ish lacks. In GOD’s design, it is the two together who ultimately reflect the image of GOD.

Consider how Adam responds to his initial sight of Eve’s beauty. He gives her his name because the woman was taken out of him. Ish to Isha; man.  That would be the reason why when a couple gets married, the woman takes the name -- "She shall be called 'woman' for she was taken out of 'man'" - Genesis 2:23.

Consider the next several words carefully. Let us start with a question…  Biblically, when would GOD establish a marital covenant? In His eyes, when is someone married?  

When are we officially married or betrothed to Yeshua?  Jesus has given you and I an offer of marriage, a proposal if you prefer.  A wife is one whom the man loves, and she loves him in return and a covenant vow is made in love.  Within the proper and emotional context, Proverbs 18:22 should read: “Find a woman who loves you and is committed to you and you have found a good thing.”  

Hmm…?  “Good thing.” I am happy some legwork on this has been done for me, because a wife is not a thing.  

Let’s clear this up first. The word thing is not in the Hebrew text, it is only the word tov which means good.   The word “good = tov” means to be in harmony.  He who finds a loving, caring committed wife finds someone who can bring him into harmony with GOD and will have favor with GOD.

If you are married and really love your wife, would you call here a good thing?

Attempting to translate from Hebrew to English is quite the task and it actually ends up being transliterated at best -- making GOD’s original Word watered down and no longer fit for Israel’s culture. Since the Bible is from Israel’s civilization, it should maintain the consistency, meaning and purpose of the same culture, which makes it just as viable in any philosophy.

The first step is… One must find a wife.  

That fits today but even a hundred years ago and even today in certain cultures men do not find a wife, their marriages are arranged, somebody else finds the wife for them.  Today a wife in our 21st Century is a person, male or female, who has a legal contract of marriage with another person.

“Suitable Helper.”

·         appropriate

·         fit

·         proper

·         appropriate

·         adequate

·         congruous

·         worthy


The phrase ēzer knegdô literally translates to "a help as one standing opposite him" or "a help as his counterpart". It expresses a relationship between two people facing each other, showing they are equals.

The Hebrew name Ezra also means "help" or "helper".

Did GOD define MARRIAGE in the Bible?

Marriage is a sacred covenant ordained by God, as seen in Genesis 2:18-24, where GOD created Eve as a suitable companion for Adam.

One more time… Marriage in the eyes of GOD is when a man and a woman come together in a committed, exclusive relationship, intended to last a lifetime, publicly and according to the laws and customs of their community.

Did marriage originate from God?

Since man and woman were created for one another, “a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh” (Genesis 2: 24). Scripture teaches that male and female binding together is not a mere human institution, but something GOD established from the foundation of world.

Why and when was the term “marriage” invented?

The Anglo-Saxons saw “marriage” as a strategic tool to establish diplomatic and trade ties. The intent was to establish peaceful relationships, trading relationships, mutual obligations with others by marrying them.

Did GOD actually create marriage? The TERM “marriage?” Nope.  The purpose and original intent? Yessir!

Here is what Scripture says, GOD "made" the male and female relational union to be a unified and unbreakable partnership. In Genesis 2:18 God said, “It is not good for the man (Adam) to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”

The word "marriage" comes from the Middle English word mariage, which first appeared between 1250 and 1300 CE. Mariage comes from the Old French word marier, which means "to marry". The word marier comes from the Latin word marītāre, which means "to provide with a husband or wife."

The related word "matrimony" comes from the Old French word matremoine, which comes from the Latin word mātrimōnium. Mātrimōnium comes from the Latin word māter, which means "mother."

The word "marry" also comes from the Latin word maritare, which means "to wed or marry" or "to give in marriage."

Was all that necessary?  Nah. It does grant us the pathway of where the beginning Biblical set-up gave man and woman something to use as we mature through the ages.

Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally and often legally recognized union between people called spouses. It establishes rights and obligations between them, as well as between them and their children (if any), and between them and their in-laws. It is nearly a cultural universal, but the definition of marriage varies between cultures and religions, and over time.

Typically, it is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually sexual, are acknowledged or sanctioned. In some cultures, marriage is recommended or considered to be compulsory before pursuing sexual activity. A marriage ceremony is called a wedding, while a private marriage is sometimes called an elopement.

In the language of the Bible (12 tribes), the “contract” is called a Ketubah! I suggest a waltz through the books to get a better understanding of this. I do not want to spoil what you will find, so…  I will not share.

In ancient Greece (this was bad), marriage was a process of transferring a woman from one man to another for the purpose of procreation. The woman's consent was not legally required. The process was originally a private arrangement between the two men, but cities eventually passed laws to regulate marriage.

When we go back to the Bible to get an understanding of what the Creator wanted, we come away with a better understanding of His Ways and Plans for us humans.

It all starts with GOD, and man and a woman!


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