Things We Men Should Consider About Marriage...

We fellas have so many areas in which we can learn about our wives and marriage.

Let’s get started.

1. A man needs to know that he, his marriage and his family are dependent upon GOD as their provider. He gives what the income the family needs and the husband makes certain that he uses those monies appropriately.   

2. A man needs to know and understand the meaning of love. …and that love does.

3. A man needs to know that the key to great sex is exclusivity. The woman he said I will to, is the one he will help share his name and seed for children with.

4. A man needs to know that commitment is a key to success in all of life, and especially in a committed relationship with a woman.

5. A man needs to know that marriage is not easy.

6. We all need to understand and acknowledge that, marriage is less about making someone happy and more about building up the other.

7. A man needs to know that GOD gives authority and responsibility to a husband to make the marriage thrive and last.

8. A man needs to know that he can change his marriage by changing himself.

9. A man needs to know that romance is created and sustained intentionally.

10. A man needs to know that humbling himself to his wife is the gutsiest and most successful way to heal her heart.


MEN: What about you? Can you think of areas I overlooked that you are weak and require more attention?

WOMAN: What about you? Can you think of areas I overlooked that you are weak and require more attention?


Accountability Will Save Your Integrity AND Help Your Marriage


“What is the Big Deal About Marriage?”