Hurting & Struggling: We Still Trust God's Plan and Will

Almighty GOD, when we call, do You hear us? Currently, life is difficult. Though we have not lost anything, there are stretches of time when this burden is more than we can carry. Sometimes, we feel so hollow and void of optimism. We’ve felt lost. Savior, we know You are El Shaddai, and You will deliver us. We know this because, You are Strong and Mighty. I am so happy that Your Strength becomes ours, when we are weak and submitted to Your care. We have and still are holding on, but have been pushed to the brink of giving in. We believe in You and know that You are still with us.
Reader, what about you? Are you walking through the valley of the shadow? Does it feel as though “death” is there next to you keeping step? If you are there, hold tight to the hand of Him, Whose love will comfort us all!

There will be times when we will feel that all hope has departed us. I have not been there. I have been near that door though. GOD’s Holy Spirit has always sustained me and my lovely bride. He will sustain you as well.

When someone you know and love is battling the seemingly unbearable pain and desperateness, the pain and uncertainty becomes more evident as well. Why is that? I believe that you recognize their hurt more than you focus on your own. It is here where you are "loving your neighbor." It is here when you can exercise selflessness--instead of selfishness. This is where I am with my honey, and I am confident that she has taken the same position with me.

Someone must stand and step toward the hurting. Who will go toward you? Who will come to help you? Call on the LORD, GOD. He will move toward You, when you are wounded. Sometimes it feels like all that is left to do to us is to throw dirt on us. No self-pity. No self-indulgent time in the mire.

We are modestly trying to be open and real with you, the reader.
LORD, You are the One and only Father, Who can and does understand where we are. Our help comes from You (Psalm 121).

When the Father is your strength, He is all the comfort we, you, or anyone will ever require. We know what broken is about. We understand how it feels. You can't tell by our outward appearances that we are hurting, but rest in this truth... We are! How are you doing? Is it real enough for you to talk about and share your pain?

Does the hurt you feel keep you from giving your all? Does it make you want to stop in your tracks and fall to your knees? When all that is within you is crying out to your Messiah and King screaming, “save us O LORD! This is too heavy to carry alone.
It is a bit better when we suffer together, but we are not able to feel the pain that resides inside of the other. Honesty, faithfulness to Jesus (Yeshua) and His Mercy sustains us. Father, You know, we are broken, but You alone can mend these hearts of ours. You are always with us. Even though we feel so lonely. We have never been here before.

The places we have been previously can't compare to what we are working through today. GOD, You never said it would be easy. I can hear the LORD saying, “call to us. Speak to us. We will meet You on the waves.”

LORD, You did say that “You would be there with us through the stormy trials.” I know that sometimes You calm the storms, with a whisper, "Peace, be Still." Knowing that You are with us and will keep us is enough. ...should be enough. It will be enough. We still hurt though.


Nicolaitans and Practical Living