Marriage is Like a Dance

We cannot overlook the “dance” as being anything less than a marriage.

Marriage can indeed be like a dance! It requires rhythm, balance, and coordination between partners. Just like in a dance, there are moments of leading and following, times of harmony and synchronization, and even times when you might step on each other’s toes <wink wink>. However, with patience and understanding, the dance becomes more graceful and enjoyable. Add all of that together, you end up with years and decades of dedication and love to the same person.

What kind of dance do you think best represents a good marriage?  Years ago, my wife and I took ballroom dance lessons. It was fun, but hard work.

Just like in a dance, communication is key. Partners need to be in tune with each other, understanding when to take the lead and when to follow. It’s about finding that perfect balance and moving together in harmony.

Understanding must be a mutual undertaking.  This shared understanding is what makes the dance of marriage so beautiful and dynamic. Each partner’s ability to read the other’s cues and respond accordingly is crucial. It’s about trust, respect, and a common rhythm that keeps the relationship moving smoothly.

Trust truly is the foundation of any strong relationship. It allows both partners to feel secure, valued, and understood. When trust is present, it makes navigating the ups, downs, swings and trips of life together much more manageable and fulfilling.

In the performing arts, perhaps no pair of heroes was more dominant and more revered than the dance team of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Those two could not have been more different in appearance and skill. Astaire and Rogers were an unlikely pair.  Astaire was balding, less than handsome, and somewhat awkward as an actor.  His dancing, however, was poetry in motion.

Ginger Rogers was beautiful, seductive, and comedic.  Her dancing was somewhat below that of Astaire, but her flirtatious style and natural personality accompanied him well.  Together, they were an amazing set! No other dance team could match their teamwork!

Those two are without a doubt a perfect example of trust in a dance partnership. Their chemistry and synchronization on the dance floor were legendary. Their ability to move seamlessly together, anticipate each other’s moves, and support one another is a beautiful metaphor for the trust and cooperation needed in a marriage. That sounds like a good marriage. Does it not?

Ginger learned all of her dancing skills in reverse. It highlights not only her incredible skill but also the trust and coordination between her and Fred Astaire.

Dancing backwards in high heels, while maintaining grace and precision, is no small feat. It perfectly symbolizes the idea of supporting each other and working in harmony, even when the path isn’t easy.


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