Shepherd’s Sheep, not the Preacher’s Sheep
Two of the toughest things about being "called" and choosing to follow Christ are:
"What to do now?"
"How do I do that?
Admittedly, we need one another to help us walk through this life of trusting the Father’s Plan for us. Soooo… We must first trust the Father. Easy? No. It takes lots of practice to learn the voice of the Shepherd. I am not talking about the preacher at your local assembly. I speak ONLY of Jesus! He alone is the Shepherd of your soul.
If you are certain of what His Spirit wants you to do for His Father, learn what that is, wait on Him and go forth, as he sends. He will equip you for the journey.
We often get stuck in the "spin-cycle" of "doing" and not listening for the Instructional Guidance of the Teacher (Ruach HaChodesh - Spirit of GOD).
The Instructions and ability will eventually come on the "how", "where", "when", where and "what." Be assured though, that ability will shed light on Who He is, not who man is, nor what man wants you to be. You belong to the Chief Shepherd.
The local preacher is a hireling. He does not own them! He is charged with loving and feeding the sheep. It would do well for him, if he protects and fights for the soul of the sheep rather than hurting and injuring them.
If you and I are truthful, we have allowed our zeal and lack of His Understanding to impact our choices and growth for what is “to come."
I recall my early years... I knew I was "called," but was not certain as to what capacity just yet.
The Spirit of the LORD was faithful and evident in me over the next several years, but it took about 3-4 of those to pass by before I could "see" what He was doing in/through me. He revealed His plan slowly, as I sought His Ways.
There were times when I would (literally) be on the other side of the world, when I would have "encounters" with folks who were "waiting for me." His Words and some of those "Spiritual Gifts" (see 1 Cor 12) came into play.
What I "learned" in those places, "bore witness" to what I had already learned from Him over the previous days, months and years.
As sheep, the Shepherd needs to sometimes, "move" us around to give us the certain things we require: the proper environment (situations), nourishment (forage), water (minerals and vitamins) and specific people are needed for our growth.
Quite frankly, the folks we are around may be stunting our faith and maturity. We can hear much better (clearer), when the "noise" is reduced, or removed.