King Saul & King David

The people of Israel wanted a king. Why would they want a human to lead them, when they already had the invincible ADONAI. I would come to believe; they wanted to be like the rest of the nations around them. Their current Leader was not enough. Their desire was not what He wanted.

SAUL as king: Saul (the requested one) was chosen as king, because “he was a good man with a good heart." ADONAI gave them a man. Both the judge "Samuel" and by the public applause, he was selected. GOD allowed it, after Samuel asked questions concerning “the move.”

“There is not a man among the sons of Israel goodlier [pleasing] than he” -- 1 Sam 9:2

Saul had a good heart but struggled with feelings of inadequacy. we all do at some point.

Saul was the ‘first human’ king of Israel (c. 1021–1000 bce). -- Before the Common Era

Meaning of Saul’s name: “Prayed for”. Yep. The origin of his name comes from the phrase that means "requested of GOD or prayed for." A bit simpler, yet detailed depiction translates to: "asked for/borrowed."

As the first king of Israel, he led Israel against enemies like the Philistines. Saul's reign was marked by both success and conflict, and he eventually died by his own hand.  Saul's failure to follow GOD's Instructions concerning the “ban” (15:1-33) is of disobedience and results in Samuel's razor-sharp rebuke: “…because you have rejected the Word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king” (15:23).

David as king: The name David, means "beloved". It comes from the Hebrew word which originally meant "to boil", but in Biblical Hebrew, it came to mean "to love".  My “beloved” (David) was the second king of Israel and is known for defeating Goliath with a smooth stone, by way of a slingshot. He was led by his trust in the GOD of Israel.

David (My beloved) represents divine love individualized in human awareness. This type of Love is the knowledge that GOD is the Idea of Perfect Unity in all. When this heavenly idea is focused in man, it is the Yeshua type of Love on the inside and is shown on the external.

NOTE:  While Saul was Israel’s king, it was not considered as ‘divided’. However, under his unstable leadership, the Nation’s joints of oneness began to loosen during his reign. His character and integrity were the culprits. He tried, but in his own strength.

1. We know that ADONAI established the Kingdom of Israel under his leadership.

2. However, the Kingdom was united under the reign of David and maintained under Solomon’s guidance – for a while.

NOTE: After the death of Solomon [peaceful] around 931 B.C., the Nation (Land) was divided into two kingdoms due to infighting and a revolt against heavy taxes.

Thought #1: With the character of a SAUL as king, we should be careful of what we ask for. Be cautious of rejecting GOD. Man has been known to “waiver between two opinions,” and end up doing his own thing, while causing a mess for himself and others her leads.

Thought #2: With the character of a DAVID as king, it gives us the will of the Father. We not only have a submitted and true shepherd, but a tender warrior as well. More often than not, this man of surrender yearns for the plans and Ways of his Leader. In the end, all associated with his leadership will be safer, tougher and emotionally & spiritually stronger.



